Photo: Catherine McQueen / Moment / Getty Images
A Missouri community is outraged after a white high school student remains unpunished months after she was caught hurling racial slurs in an online video. Footage shared by the Kansas City Defender shows a Summit Christian Academy (SCA) student with blond hair spewing anti-Black remarks, including the N-word multiple times.
One clip shows the girl standing in front of a bathroom mirror before turning toward the camera and saying, "Stupid n****r" in a mocking tone. Another video features her in another public restroom making hand motions and saying, "Come here, little n****r." These videos originally surfaced on Snapchat in October 2023.
While the girl hasn't been identified, the newspaper revealed she's the daughter of SCA school board member Sarah Osborne. The school officials admitted to the Kansas City Defender the student is her child, but claims there's missing context to the clips. Osborne told reporters the student filming her daughter said the N-word first, which made her daughter say it in response.
Students alerted reporters after accusing the school administration of not taking action. One anonymous student alleges Osborne is using her position to protect her daughter from severe punishment, and this isn't the only time she's gotten away with offensive behavior.
The report claims school officials only reprimanded the girl with one day of in-school suspension. Other students told the news outlet she still got to go to class and participate in sports activities after the incident was initially reported months ago.
In an April 23 email to the school community, Summit Christian Academy said the student was punished according to “administrative protocol,” the report states. School officials addressed the situation in a statement to the newspaper, as well:
“We take accusations of this nature very seriously and the accusation of the use of inappropriate language by our students seriously,” the statement reads. “We expect the students to appropriately represent [Summit Christian Academy] even when not on school grounds. Scripture clearly provides guidance and expectations in the power of our words… SCA strives to provide a safe Christian environment conducive to developing Christ-like attitudes, habits, and character to pursue academic excellence and positive extracurricular activities.”
Several Black parents, students, and alumni have since contacted the Kansas City Defender to detail their experiences of racial discrimination at the school.
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